Without purpose, a cause or goal in life that is from your passion, your brain is lost and does not know how to gather rewarding experience that create happiness.
Our upper nature will observe and have the emotions to think through what should be done to keep life manageable and workable. If we had a bad childhood, bad experiences, negative beliefs, or for what ever reason we are defensive or afraid we can easily drop from our upper nature into our lower nature. The lower nature, survival mode is always there trying to take over if there is perceived danger.
But if our Upper Nature is allowed to rule we will generally do what works to follow a happy path of learning about our world.
Life should be no harder than going for an adventurous ride with few problems to encounter.
If we look for trouble, feel defensive, think on the negative, and or do mean things, then we will have lots of problems and only find fleeting pleasures in things that do not build our life or give us happy adventure.
When we focus on our upper nature we are happier, it can get us out of low points, we have to choose to do what works better and practice at it. If we have problems doing that we may need help from a counselor to see what you are focusing on, dwelling on, thinking on, or doing that keeps you in a low place. You may feel trapped and not sure how to get out of it. Once you see a way to get around the bad perceptions, emotions, thoughts, or actions life becomes easier for you.
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