How Psychotoons’ Personality Test Is Put Together
It consists of four short tests based on the four stages or steps our brains go through over and over. We first perceive the world, then we have an emotional reaction such as fear or love to what we see, then we look at our beliefs and plan what to do, and lastly we act on our plan. Nothing turns out exactly as we planned so the four steps are repeated like a feedback cycle, each time tweaking the four steps as they are influenced by each other, until we are satisfied with our results or we turn to another task.
That is our Upper Nature. We also have a Lower Nature that goes from deceptive perceptions, self-centeredness, blaming, and aggression. The Lower Nature usually can exert its effect at all stages and usually takes over when we are overly fearful or sense we are in danger.
There is a Biological Personality test to see your innate strengths of Perception and how it relates to the other three steps. Then there is a Family Personality test to see your learned strengths from childhood and how that relates to the other three steps. Next is a Cognitive Personality test to see your thinking style and again how it relates to the other three steps. Lastly is a Situational Personality and how it relates to the other steps. The results are easily combined to give you an Overall Personality picture.
I have used animal figures to represent the concepts in the steps to make it easier to remember, I call them widgets, one or two, for each step, Upper Nature and Lower Nature. This is the key to the widgets.