Antisocial Versus Borderline Versus Narcissist or Psychopath
Normal is when the Upper Nature is in charge. We Consciously direct our Ant and Bee to perceive the world as accurately as we can. We call this reality. Our Macho fear is there but low and waiting to only react to real dangers, our Cuddles love inspires us to love ourselves and other, our Geru wisdom has learned a functional view of our environment and what is workable, open minded, and flexible. Then our patience, Turtle, and our energy, Rabbit is ready to build and do what works in the real world. Our Lower Nature is there and ready if needed but does not dominate.
If we are antisocial we will let our Lower Nature dominate when we think we can get away with it. We do not have as much Conscious free will to do what is fictional for us and others. But our Ant and Bee Perception look for opportunities to lie, we have a lot of fear and down deep we do still have a heart, just a small one if we lack empathy. Our wisdom is not big enough to guild us either. With little Turtle patience our Rabbit energy can be wild and join the Lower Nature to get into mischief. We can be gung-ho and can be aggressive.
Borderlines can be very much like antisocial on occasions, when they are very manic and decide to act up. They can be the center of a fight.
Borderlines can be very much like antisocial on occasions, when they decide to act up. A lot depends on Crow, when their irrationality, from past trauma or lack of childhood love, decides to dominate. They do have heart if not subdued by their anxiety and fears. But if very manic their Conscious Free Will can be really low. When they are not acting up from anxiety and or triggers from past trauma, they can be quite normal but if manic may not be able to sleep. If really really manic they may just be confused as the brain may be going to fast for Consciousness and the Upper Nature to see reality.
Narsissit or Psychopath
What makes a narcissist or psychopath dangerous is they have almost no love or fear, the smaller Macho or Cuddles are the more dangerous they can become as they have no fear of being caught and no empath, they have no breaks. If they have a little Geru wisdom they can let Crow’s irrationality create the world they want to live in that gives them all the permission to do what ever they want. If they were traumatized in childhood they an be very dangerous as their Lower Nature can have free range to do what they want for advantages or for revenge.
But if they were raised by loving parents that taught them the straight and narrow they can be quite nice. But they complain that they do not know how to love so they do not understand others loving emotions. We have genetics, how we were raised, our experiences, and current situation that determine what we decide to do, so no two people are alike even if they have a personality disorder.
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