Happiness they say is living in the moment and concentration on the task rather then letting your mind wonder off. When our minds wonder off we tend to ruminate on worries and past woes. But we do no have to dwell on those things.
I find great happiness wondering off in my mind about future possibilities. But we need to fuel that thinking so it is not too sporadic and dead end and of not much use and so looses its relevance. So it helps to have a plan, not a hard specific plan but a generalized plan that encompasses who you are. An artist may plan a new project, a new studio, etc. A writer may wonder down the path of a new novel and its characters and endless scenarios. Jocks may want to wonder down the path of new ways to exercise, vacationeers wonder about where to go next, mathematicians measure and see patterns in endless things that also interest them, the statistics of science or social occasions. Cooks think of new recipes, children think of new games, girls of new friends and boys of new sports.
The lists are as varied as are people and situations. It is the act of exploring in our minds that give us as much pleasure and happiness as focusing on tasks.
Basically using the brain and as much as possible produces more chemical that create pleasure. What ever our task or mind trip we want to see, hear, taste, smell, and touch. We want to feel the adrenaline of fear but rest in the love and safety of other emotions. We want to know and understand the facts, history, and patterns of the moment or adventure, real or imagined. And we want to act, to try new things, real or imagined. We even want to exercise the Lower Nature, not let it dominate, at least not all the time, but we want and need to be a little deceptive, greedy, ridiculously emerged in fantasy, and even get angry about subjects, real or imagined.
To do this we need to balance our widgets as much as possible so one does not take the scene away from all the others, as then the brain may be less activated evenly. We want the Upper Nature to dominate most of the time as it has more good happy memories and takes up a lot lot lot more of the brain. It has much more potential for happiness and to sustain it. We want a brain that looks a lot like a normal average brain that has not gotten in a dead end by over focus by one area. That does not mean we can’t ever over focus in one area, it only means we are not trapped there. That brain might look very much like the picture.
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